UPERDFI successfully held its 53rd General Membership Meeting on May 18 via Zoom where members were apprised with the achievements and initiatives, and challenges of the Foundation in the past year and elect four new Trustees.
The UP College of Engineering Dean Ferdinand Manegdeg reported the progress of construction of wellness clinics in each building and the modernization of classrooms in preparation for the return of in-person classes. The College acknowledged UPERDFI’s support for 129 professorial chairs, 34 teaching and research awards, 88 scholarships and 27 thesis grants in academic year 2021-22.
Outgoing President Val Reyes thanked UPERDFI for the opportunity to serve the past year, the College for the continuing partnership and the donors for their support. He also cited the involvement of the officers, trustees, advisers and staff for moving things forward.
Executive Director Tito Aliga summarized the major initiatives undertaken by the Foundation in the past year, including the PCNC Renewal, migration to QuickBooks Online and implementation of the document management system. And he stressed the need for more DOERS to enable us to deliver desired results.
Outgoing Treasurer Ega Atanacio presented the comparative statements of comprehensive income, financial position and investments, which showed modest growth from the previous year.
The General Membership thanked outgoing Trustees – Ega Atanacio, Dante Briones and Gev Guevara for faithfully serving their 3-year terms from 2019 to 2022.
To fill the vacated seats, the members elected four new Trustees to serve from 2022 to 2025. They are – Jerome Cainglet (Vice President, FirstGen); Enrico “Ëric” Paringit (Executive Director, DOST-PCIEERD); Patrick Vincent “Ricky” Peña (General Manager, PT&T); and Manuel “Noly” Torres (former BSP Asst. Governor).